Leme Beach
Leme Beach
The beginning of Copacabana beach between Leme hill and Avenida Princesa Isabel is actually called Leme beach. There are not so many tourists here, the beach is more popular among locals, especially families.
The history of Leme neighborhood began in 1858 when the royal family came to the beach to watch whales and made a picnic there. Before that, only a fort, a small church and a few farms were located in Leme territory. After the royal picnic the place became very popular among other families and it lead to construction of the whole neighborhood.
In 1950s Leme neighborhood was the center of Cariocan nightlife with its glamorous night clubs, visited by many local celebrities.
Leme beach safety
The area of Leme is relatively safe, although there are less tourists there. It means that you will stand out on the beach more, so keep an eye on your valuables. During the evening Leme has less people, has little street lighting and there are some suspicious characters hanging on the beach promenade on the way to Leme Hill. Never had any problems on the way, but might be best to take a bike there. There is a military base at the foot of the hill, so this area is safer.